Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  • Is this website free to use?

    Yes! If you are an internship seeker, this website is completely free to use, forever.

    If you are a recruiter/employer, please enjoy our services completely for free until further notice.

  • Will you sell our information?

    We don't sell your information to any third-party, whether you are a seeker or a recruiter.

    If you are an internship seeker, your profile information is always kept private between you and the employers you are submitting your application to.

  • How can I update my profile information?

    To update your profile information, log in to your account and navigate to the profile update page. You can edit your details such as personal details, contact, resume and cover letter.

  • Can I delete my account?

    Yes, you can delete your account by contacting our support team. Keep in mind that deleting your account will permanently remove all your data, including internship applications and profile information.

  • How can I contact support for assistance?

    If you need further assistance or have any questions, please contact our support team through email. We're here to help!

  • How can I update my profile information?

    To update your profile information, log in to your account and navigate to the profile update page. You can edit your details such as personal details, contact, resume and cover letter.


  • How to book an interview?

    Please check out our quick guide here.

  • How do I apply for a internship?

    To apply for an internship, navigate to the internship post and click on the "Apply Now" button. Ensure the correct documents are uploaded, then click Submit.

    When you apply, employers will be able to review your profile along with your uploaded documents (resume, cover letter, etc.).

  • Can I edit my application after submission?

    No, once you've submitted your application, you cannot edit it. Make sure to review your profile and uploading documents carefully before applying.


  • How to manage interview schedule?

    Please check out our quick guide here.